Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Jon Gosselin Uses His Lawyers To Halt TLC TV Show

Jon Gosselin has now used his lawyers to halt production of TLC TV show involving his wife Kate and their eight children. Since the couple currently has joint custody of the children, Jon Gosselin's refusal to give further consent for their participation in the filming of the program currently presents a serious roadblock for the very popular TV show to continue production. Currently only his estranged wife, Kate Gosselin may be allowed to appear on the program, but not the children. TLC is effectively prevented from any continued filming of the show.

Certainly lawyers for TLC could probably seek a legal remedy with Jon Gosselin such as breach of contract as long as any contract remains. This could force Joscelin either to allow production to continue or else pay a damages settlement.

TLC isn't likely to allow a legal roadblock to stand in the way of their most popular TV show if a contract could be enforced in order to restart production work. JON AND KATE PLUS EIGHT has earned this cable channel lots of money, and if any legal avenue remains, then TLC will likely seek it.

The Jon and Kate soap opera only continues.

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