Rabu, 11 November 2009

Randy Quaid & Wife Facing Felony Burglary Charges

After actor Randy Quaid and his wife reportedly skipped out on a $10,000 hotel bill and missed three court appearance dates a bench arrest warrant was issued for the couple. However, after posting $20,000 in bail funds, the couple are free on bail for now, but face felony burglary,defrauding an innkeeper and conspiracy charges. And although the couple now claim to have paid back the innkeeper, they still legal problems as a result of the serious felony charges.

It is an almost unbelievable mess that actor Randy Quaid and his wife have gotten themselves into recently. After leaving San Barbra's luxury San Ysidro Ranch, the couple reportedly fled the state and were later arrested in Marfa, Texas.

Quaid will soon have his day in court to explain his bizarre actions. But it's left the actor with a big legal nightmare to contend with. These problems aren't likely to easily go away.

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