Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Breaking News!: Fox Registers CONANONFOX.Com Domain Name

Maybe, FOX is just hedging their bet, but registering the domain name CONANONFOX.Com sure looks like a pretty good sign that the popular late night comic will be on FOX this September. Further, a Twitter page, CONAN ON FOX has just gone up as well. While these signs look pretty tempting, fans of the red-haired comic must remember that quite a few hurdles are still out there.

Conan still needs to be formally released from his NBC contract, which is making steady progress by the day. As of today, NBC is now ready to offer Conan about $34.7 million, plus an additional total amount around $6 million for his staffers and employees. However, NBC is insisting that O'Brien not be able to work for another network until at least September. Further, NBC is attempting to retain "intellectual property" rights over characters such Triumph The Insult Comic Dog, The Masturbating Bear, Pimpbot 3000, etc. (Maybe, the FedEx Pope too?, for some odd reason. Who wants him?). Further, NBC wants a clause that would take money from Conan for bashing NBC.

But perhaps, the worse clause of all gives NBC the power to reduce their payments to O'Brien to as little as $7.5 million or so if he takes work as soon as September and works under another contract.

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