Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

Sexy Halloween Costumes 2009

Okay guys, you know that I'm posting this crap just for ratings here. But, man oh man, as adults get more and more into the Halloween spirit each year, the costumes also get a little more adult every year as well. Oh, you guys know you love it!

Real common is the sexy schoolgirl outfit. Some costumes even feature their own little cane or ruler for a little classroom discipline as well.

Sexy cheerleader outfits are all the rage again this year. You guys just can't seem to grow out of that high school fantasy can you?

For you guys that dig kink, black leather wicked lady outfits are always popular.

The sexy nurse costume is always a popular choice. Real popular.

And for any fans of those smash hit porno films, PIRATES or PIRATES II, you can even dress your old lady up as this ravishing sexy little pirate babe. Shiver me timbers, matey!
You guys might want to print this page!

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